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Engaged Sweeper III
How is this generated? Most of our machines are Win10 so they definitely have .NET 4. I've been deploying LsAgent with a prerequisite of 4.6.2 so most of Win7 is covered. Yet I have about 90% "missing" .NET 4 in this dynamic report.
Lansweeper Employee
Lansweeper Employee
I would suspect it is just based on the installed software on the machine. It's either looking for software with .net 4 in the name, or just assets with software called .net with the version that starts with 4.

I'm not sure which one of the two it is. I would just recommend taking a screenshot of the assets in that group. Take a screenshot of an asset that should be in that group (just show that Lansweeper detected .Net 4 installed) and send it to support. This way it can get tested and fixed if it is a bug.