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Office 2016 key scanning

Hi All,I have the latest version of Lansweeper running, it has no problems finding OEM/retail MS Office Home & Business 2016 installations. However, it does not appear to be able to gather the product keys.Now, BEFORE you start sending me to the new...

Marking/Flagging VIP Customers

Work for a municipal government and would really like to be able to somehow flag our Important Customers such as elected officials, department heads, etc so that agents know who they are dealing with prior to taking actions or making contact. I don't...

cajohnson by Engaged Sweeper II
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HTTPS not secure

Our lansweeper page is telling is not secure when we go to it. It shows to have a certificate but not sure if there is some kind of a problem with it.

Larry_Rhea by Engaged Sweeper II
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scanning target by range

hi, some client agent less are not recognized by lansweeper.The check with lansweeper connection tester "C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Lansweeper \ Actions \ testconnection.exe" was successful.What could it be?Thanks

INSERT INTO tblAssetRelations from Excel file?

Hello,i have 2 questions regarding insertion into a table to i have made this sql statement to insert assets into the tblAssetRelations table for their relationship, which hopefully is correct, INSERT INTO tblAssetRelations (ParentAsset...

dianmo by Engaged Sweeper
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