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Engaged Sweeper III
I understand there is no API that we can use to import devices so am having an issue. We have Mac desktop and laptops that we cannot turn SSH on for due to security. We noticed that when using LSPush it will create a file .ls.txt that it is possible to import but it only runs on Windows machines and an OSX client seems like it will only be available in the very far future. Is it possible to create an easy way to import a CSV file containing all information gathered from the commands usually ran over SSH so that we can have a script that runs and then sends an encrypted version back to us through email that can then be imported? I see we can import devices but it doesn't contain nearly as much information as through the SSH login.
Engaged Sweeper
From the little bit of information I've been able to gather, a script to run uname and system_profiler to collect info, I'm not sure what else the mac SSH scanning does. Once we figure that out, the trick then is to get it to the LS server. It looks like the LSPush program generates a zipped XML file, then the LS server can import it. I may look at writing a shell script to generate a mac version of those files, but I have other priorities at work for the moment.
Engaged Sweeper III
Something to get back into Lansweeper as we cannot turn on SSH and SNMP for Mac only gives the bare minimum of information.
Engaged Sweeper
Is there any documentation on what commands LS performs over SSH when it scans a mac? If we can figure out what is gathered there, we could theoretically have a script (or even a launchd or cron job) that puts the file into the same XML format that lspush creates, and then treat it in the same way for delivery.

It would be very helpful to see some documentation for the Mac SSH, and the lspush XML format, either publicly or privately. I could see this being a great thing we could contribute back to Lansweeper, or do some type of open-source documentation if we need to figure it all out on our own (though not my preference).

Back to your post, are you trying to make something that you can get back into lansweeper, or for some other local purpose?
Engaged Sweeper III
We are looking into a way to program something to capture the same information on a mac locally that lansweeper does through ssh. Then put that into the same file format created locally on a windows computer and sent to the server for import. We talked about it last week and are checking to see what we can create with our students programming it.

Engaged Sweeper
I'd love some way to push settings from OS X as well. I've thought about using the reporting built into Munki to push to Lansweeper, but I can't access any type of API for Lansweeper. Really too bad, it would be fairly easy to do on my end.

Also would be great to be able to push settings to Lansweeper from windows on a schedule, once every 30 minutes or so. If there was an API, it could be integrated to allow iPads and such to report in as well, through MDM servers.

Just my 2 cents.


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