Hi !
I'm trying to use the "editAsset" function using Lansweeper API.
With Postman I make a POST on https://api.lansweeper.com/api/v2/graphql/ , providing my token on the Header.
I copied pasted the EXAMPLE REQUEST on this page https://api.lansweeper.com/api/v2/graphql/ as GraphSQL Query and gives as variables my site id and an asset kay.
I already have the following answer from the API :
"errors": [
"message": "Asset with key 'yyy' not found in site 'xxx"
"data": {
"site": {
"editAsset": null
As value for key I use the "Unique Key" field accesible when editing asset or by searching for AssetUnique on the SQL Database. I also tried with the AssetID on the SQL DB.
It always remain to the same error message, even though assets with this references really exists ...
What could cause this issue ?
Thanks a lot !