Hi everyone,
Firstly, I'm just now setting up the helpdesk ticket system of LS. We're working on switching over.
Secondly, we have a basic license, one agent (just me) and less than 100 users in the office.
Setting up the helpdesk inbound/outbound email settings, I started with a "helpdesk@domain.com" email address and then I tried using the LS service account I created for authentication. It said there was a login failure to the Exchange server. Thought I would try our domain admin account. That worked! The domain admin account has an email tied to it because of
reasons from previous IT peoples. (The LS service account didn't have an email). I rolled with it.
Then I noticed that all of a sudden there were 6000+ helpdesk tickets. They were all of the emails from that domain admin account. It must've synced them for some reason? Then, LS looks to have parsed all of the contacts from these emails and added them to the User Access & Roles area, thus, the 4800+ users.
I unsynced the domain admin account for the inbound/outbound email settings and set it back to the LS service account. Once I created an email address for the service account, it synced instantly with no errors.
With that bit of background, I'm not sure what I should do to get things back to normal? I changed the helpdesk ticket filter to view 1000/page and just deleted all of them. That was easy enough. But users is different and I can't wipe them all out. Do I have to press the red '-' sign 4800 times?

Thanks for your help!