Firstly, tsysIPLocations.IPLocation is name of IP-location which you defined in the section "IP Address Range locations" on page /configuration/AssetGroups/.
So I can recommend give name by DCHP Scopes or campus/building/floor
You can add WHERE at the end of query for tsysIPLocations.IPLocation
If you want compare IP then you must add own decoder to convert different type of IP format in LS
example of decoder:
tsysIPLocations.startip <= Right('000' +
IsNull(ParseName(tsysIPScanRanges.Ipend, 4), ''), 3) + Right('000' +
IsNull(ParseName(tsysIPScanRanges.Ipend, 3), ''), 3) + Right('000' +
IsNull(ParseName(tsysIPScanRanges.Ipend, 2), ''), 3) + Right('000' +
IsNull(ParseName(tsysIPScanRanges.Ipend, 1), ''), 3) And
Right('000' + IsNull(ParseName(tsysIPScanRanges.Ipstart, 4), ''), 3) +
Right('000' + IsNull(ParseName(tsysIPScanRanges.Ipstart, 3), ''), 3) +
Right('000' + IsNull(ParseName(tsysIPScanRanges.Ipstart, 2), ''), 3) +
Right('000' + IsNull(ParseName(tsysIPScanRanges.Ipstart, 1), ''), 3) <=