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Engaged Sweeper II
I have made a custom field for our assets to display if it got Acronis software installed or not ( Checkbox )

I wonder if there is a way to automaticly get that checkbox ticked if the software exists on the asset?
Engaged Sweeper II
Thanks for the reply.
The reason is that we´re in the beginning of a prject of having all our assets liv managed ( Live Asset Management ) Right now we have a systems database with all our assets where we put in all data manually, including Acronis. We want to import all data from the database to Lansweeper ant I thouht it might be an idea to display on the summarytab of the asset if Acronis was installed or not.
Lansweeper Employee
Lansweeper Employee
The only way to make it automatic would be to do a custom database modification. Like a script that updates the fields every time it runs.

Is there a specific reason you need a custom field instead of just a custom report which displays all assets which have the software installed?

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