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Engaged Sweeper
Hi all,

Just wondering if anyone has issues when updating.

I went to update a couple of days ago and it went through the update and at the end it said it failed to install the Lansweeper Server Service. I than ran the update again choosing just to install the service and got the same error.

I searched the knowledgebase (for what use it was) and couldn't find a way to install the service.

I had to restore the VM from a backup prior to install to get it working again.

I was trying to update from to the latest version. I followed the instructions here

I like the product but if it can't be updated than what is the point in having it? At least provide proper instructions on how to reinstall the services required
Lansweeper Tech Support
Lansweeper Tech Support

Could you please send a mail to for this? We'd like to troubleshoot this further and try to find the cause of this.
Please send the following:
  • Program Files (x86)\Lansweeper\Service\Errorlog.txt, as present on your Lansweeper server.

  • Program Files (x86)\Lansweeper\Website\App_Data\web_errorlog.txt, if it exists.

  • The latest installxxx.log file found in the Program Files (x86)\Lansweeper\Install folder.

  • An export of the eventviewer on the machine you installed Lansweeper on. Export the Windows Logs\Application and Windows Logs\System sections, filtered for the last 7 days. Please use the .evtx format.

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