Sorry for the delay in our answer, but we were performing some improvements in the community.
The quick answer to your question is we would detect it always the patch is properly reflected on the CVE.
In addition, the case you described has an extra complexity coming from the fact you are installing the hotfix as part of a cumulative update. Then, there are three possibilities:
- The CVE reflects in its definition the specific KB fixing the vulnerability.
- The CVE reflects the KB and also the cumulative update/s containing the KB (best case)
- The CVE does not reflect the KB nor the cumulative patch in the definition (worst case)
Specifically for the CVE-2022-34722, we are in the third case, so an installed patch would not be detected.
As we are aware of this situation and for example, Microsoft is not updating all its CVEs with the corresponding patches, we are researching different ways to enrich our solution to be able to detect the installed patches independently from the CVE definition. It is something it will take some time to achieve, so if you are interested I can keep you posted on our progress.
Also do not hesitate to reach us with any other doubts or feedback by posting a question in the community or writing directly to us.