Hi Guys,
Was hoping someone one here could provide me with some advice relating to some issues we have been receiving.
Issue one, we keep seeing the scanning que freezing on the asset scanning. We will see 50 - 3000 in a que but lansweeper will stop processing the scans after a few days to a week, to fix tis we have to log on to the Lansweeper server and runa maintenance tool to get the scans running again, however have to do this multiple times a week is not sufficient as you can appreciate.
The second error we have been receiving is related to assets appearing to be scanned more than once and duplicating multiple licences for one device. Has anyone experienced this issue before or have nay advise on how to investigate a fix?
Has anyone had similar issues that they have been able to fix? Does anyone have a good suggestion on where i should start trouble shooting to help me solve this issue? Thanks in advance for any advice.
best regards