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Engaged Sweeper

I was looking at our instance earlier and noticed our licence count had exceeded it's limit which should not happen.  I then checked an hour later at the licence count is back down to our expected device level. 

While it was full I did remove a few IP ranges that are no longer in use, and removed around 72 devices from the asset table. but I did not remove anything near 2000 devices..  What would cause this to happen please? Are we looking at a bigger issue or is this just something that happens during scanning?

Screenshot 2024-12-18 155249.png

Engaged Sweeper

I am not an expert I am just sharing thoughts. but I would start by looking through your Non-Active assets and see if you see anything fishy. 

Also, I had a weird issue at my last role with duplicate assets getting created when I scanned an OU in AD but was reconciled during an IP scan. It was a config mistake on my part, but checking around for duplicate assets might be worth a look. 

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