Hi everyone, I am trying to update my Symantec Endpoint Protection database with an .exe file, but I can't find a way to do it without pressing the "yes" button multiple times. I can do it manually, but it's not worth doing it this way because I have over 80 computers at work.

I'd like to know if anyone knows how I can do it correctly ... I've tried so many things that don't ask for my admin account and password, but I still need to say YES when windows asks me if I'm sure I want to run the updater.
Currently I'm running this command in the Deployment Install packages:
runas /savecred /noprofile /user:admin@domain "cmd /c \"\\network NAS where we have the vaccine\vaccine.exe""
If I try doing it with an "Installer Action" it always asks me for the username and password and also need to press YES multiple times.
I'm doing it by choosing my currently log on user before pressing the "deploy" button, (which is a domain admin.).
I appreciate any help, I have spent a lot of time on it and it would be very useful to be able to update symantec with the deploy option silently.