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Help with Device and AD report

Hi I couldn't find anything online and I am looking for some help. I am trying to create a custom report that displays all devices on my Lan which includes, model, serial, IP Address, and MAC Address however when I try to include the last user that l...

Lansweeper Cloud Platform

Hello,I've been considering converting into the hybrid solution of Lansweeper but I haven't been able to find a clear answer on my question. Is there or will there ever in the future be an added charge for subscribing to the use of the cloud platfor...

HyperV hosts (in Cluster) wont scan

Hi there,currently we have licenced Lansweeper for 500 assets, but i guess that doesn't matter.We have a Failover cluster with 7 nodes (all with W2016 datacenter) and I have problem that I cannot re-scan them.That means I don't have actual info about...

it9 by Engaged Sweeper II
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LDAP connection string

We need to pass all applications through a central application to perform two factor authentication.The application acts as an LDAP proxy server redirecting the requests to the domain be able to do this we need to pass a ldap string to...

Andries by Engaged Sweeper
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Konica Minolta print counters

Hi allSome printer counters, tested in our environment on these models:KONICA MINOLTA bizhub C458KONICA MINOLTA bizhub C284eKONICA MINOLTA bizhub C452KONICA MINOLTA bizhub C454eKONICA MINOLTA bizhub C280KONICA MINOLTA bizhub C554ecopy counter black (...

Can you hide or edit sections on AD User Information page?

Using version , which is currently the latest version.The default <server>/user.aspx?username=<username>&userdomain=<domain> page, on the General tab shows:Section: Active Directory User InformationSection: Website Image Section: Windows c...

shawn by Engaged Sweeper II
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What have you edited on the built in dashboard to make them more relevant for you? Have you created any custom dashboards that you would like to tell us about?