From LS Support:
There is no built-in functionality to insert entries into tsysOS through the web console, as we add entries to this table as part of Lansweeper updates, something you appear to be hinting at in your email as well. The OS code specified in your email should already be present in tsysOS for instance if your Lansweeper installation is updated to the latest release. Update instructions can be found in
this knowledge base article.
If you cannot immediately update your Lansweeper installation for some reason when new Windows operating system codes are added, you could alternatively insert entries into tsysOS by connecting to the database with a tool like SQL Server Management Studio or by running a script. A sample script that adds the OS code specified in your email can be seen below and run in the Configuration\Database Scripts section of the Lansweeper web console. Though we would not expect direct inserts into tsysOS to cause issues, keep in mind that we officially do not provide support for running scripts and recommend backing up your database prior to running any scripts. Backup instructions can be found in
this article. Incorrect database inserts can cause unexpected behavior.
insert into tsysOS(OScode, OSname, Image, Sortorder) VALUES('10.0.14393', 'Win 10', 'ten10.png', 18)