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Engaged Sweeper
Hello guys, I would like to ask you for a help with packages deployment. I created a package and tried to deploy. Because we have blocked admin permissions for user, I need to install sw with user admin rights. Can I specify what kind of user I want to use for deployment? I found only system account or scanning account. But no option from this works, in log I can see Result:

Deployment ended: The operation completed successfully. Stop(Success). Credential: (domain admin). ShareCredential: ([account]).

but no installation on target PC. When I assign to user admin rights and during deployment wizard I tick Currently Logged On, so this works.

So, can I specify the special account with admin rights for installation on target PC?

Thank you very much for your answers!

Lansweeper Employee
Lansweeper Employee
Quick update on this issue. It turned out that the Paint.net exe installer gives back return codes that are expected after a successful deployment even if the deployment was not successful. This tricked Lansweeper into giving back a success message.

To deploy Paint.net you will have to create an MSI package based on the instructions in their documentation:
  1. Run the .exe with the /createMsi parameter.
  2. Use the MSI installers created to deploy Paint.net
Engaged Sweeper
Hello Charles,

I would like to continue in a problem with deployment resolving. I sent on support email some info you need to investigate the issue.

Thank you very much!
Engaged Sweeper
Hello Charles,

I will be one week out of company on business trip so I will contact you later to cooperate on my issue.

Lansweeper Employee
Lansweeper Employee
You can find a list of the services used in the deployment requirements article: https://www.lansweeper.com/kb/107/deployment-requirements.html

By default, you won't be able to see any logs regarding deployment. Our support team has specific instructions to turn on debug logs in cases where it is needed.

Personally, I've never seen a case where the deployment ends successfully without the software actually installing. If you are willing to you can export your package, add it to a .zip file and add it as an attachment to your post. I can take a look at the package itself to see if that clears anything up.

The most efficient way to troubleshoot this issue would be to send an email to our support team at support@lansweeper.com and include the following information:
  • Program Files (x86)\Lansweeper\Service\Errorlog.txt, as present on your Lansweeper server.
  • An .xml export of your deployment package. Select the package under Deployment\Packages and hit the Export button on the right side of the page, right below the package name.
  • Screenshot of a testconnection.exe test performed to one target machine with a failed deployment. Connect to the client machine's name (and not its IP address), as this is what Lansweeper connects to for deployments as well. Testconnection.exe can be found in Program Files (x86)\Lansweeper\Actions on your Lansweeper server. Perform the test from your Lansweeper server to the client machine, submit the machine's Windows credential and show us the entire test window.
  • An Excel export of the entire Deployment\Logs page. There is an Export To Excel button on the left side of the page.
Engaged Sweeper
Hi Charles.X,

after reconfiguration of scanning target, scanning credentials and restart of lansweeper service I can see in log during deployment that correct permission is use. But still at the end log show me

Result: Deployment ended: The operation completed successfully. Stop(Success). Credential: (xxxxx). ShareCredential: (xxxx).

and no software was installed.

Can you tell me what kind of service (process) does lansweeper use for installation..wmic or does it have some larger logs on server site? Our internal network is without firewall, so no ports are blocked. Should I reconfigure anything on workstations?


Lansweeper Employee
Lansweeper Employee
There is no option to use a specific credential to deploy with.

If only the InstallAdmin account can install things in your environment that you will have to make sure that you scan your assets using that credential first.

The "Scanning Credentials" Run mode will use the credential last used to successfully scan the asset it is deploying on.

What puzzles me is that the message you mentioned does indicate that the package was successfully deployed.

Engaged Sweeper
Hello Charles, thsnk you for your answer but unfortunately maybe I wrote it litle bit confusing. I need to use special domain account for the installation. Our users are not able to intall anything and I don't want to use domain administrator. Can I use f.e in scanning method special account and choose it due to deployment wizzard?

F.e. I have account InstallAdmin in domain with permissions. Where should I define it for deployement?

Lansweeper Employee
Lansweeper Employee
If i read your question correctly, you want to install a software package but install it for a specific user?

The parameters you can use are usually different based on the software you are trying to deploy. Usually there is a specific command that will allow you say if it needs to install for a specific user or not.

Since you seem to indicate that the local user does not have sufficient permissions to do an installation, choosing the "Currently Logged On" run mode will most likely not work.

The "System Account" will in most cases have enough permissions to do anything you want. In rare cases, you will have to use the scanning credentials as they have slightly more permissions.

The message you received indicates that the package was successfully deployed. I presume that the software was therefore also correctly installed, but not as a user specific software?