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Engaged Sweeper II
Permanently delete assets is set to 30 days. It is not deleting the assets. I just updated Lansweeper to see if that's the problem, and ran a scan on a group that I knew haven't been seen in 30 days. How long does it take to come off of the list? Thanks!
Lansweeper Employee
Lansweeper Employee
My point was that just looking at the last seen of an asset is not a good way to check if it meets the requirements to be deleted.

You're best off checking the Scan Time tab on the asset page. If all last scan times and last seen and last tried are over 30 days only then does it meet the requirements.
Esben.D wrote:
My point was that just looking at the last seen of an asset is not a good way to check if it meets the requirements to be deleted.

You're best off checking the Scan Time tab on the asset page. If all last scan times and last seen and last tried are over 30 days only then does it meet the requirements.

I have many assets that meet the criteria to be deleted, and are not being removed. I checked the ScanTime tab as you suggested on a few. Mine settings are not active after 45, delete after 60.

Engaged Sweeper II
Permanently delete assets not seen in the last 30 days is checked.

It's still showing assets > 30 days in Lastseen. For example, it's still showing an asset where the Lastseen value is 05/02/2019...

Did I answer all your questions?
Lansweeper Employee
Lansweeper Employee
Just to give some additional information about the cleanup options:

The option Set assets to non-active if not seen in the last XX days, for example. If you have configured this interval to 30 days, the assets that have not been seen in the last 30 days will be set to non-active, with not seen we mean:
  • The assets have not been successfully scanned in the last 30 days, this means that the Last Seen date (tblAssets.Lastseen) needs to be older than 30 days.
  • The assets have not reported to a domain controller in the last 30 days, this means that the Last Active Scan date (tblAssets.LastActiveScan) needs to be older than 30 days.
  • The assets have not been seen in the network in the last 30 days by IP Range Scanning, i.e. Lansweeper has not seen assets with that IP and open ports in the network. This means that the Last IP Range Scan date (tblAssets.LastIPScan) needs to be older than 30 days.
All of the dates need to be older than 30 days before the asset cleanup option will be triggered. The delete asset cleanup options works identical to the set to non-active option.

If the asset is completely disconnected from the network, It should not be able to be picked up by any scanning target as it cannot respond to a ping or log onto the domain controller.