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Engaged Sweeper II

my English is not the best, but I wanted to have a look in the forum and maybe start a general discussion about the quality of Lansweeper.

I have been using Lansweeper for 5-7 years now (how time flies) and have always been very satisfied with the quality of updates and new features. I could usually rely on the fact that there were no problems when I immediately installed the update in our productive system.

However, for a few months now I have had the feeling, that new functions are being implemented here with unnecessary pressure without really sending them through quality control and that the tests are being shifted more and more onto the customers.

I've never had as many problems as I've had in the last few months.

- No automatic continuation of deployments
- Introduction of new scan items and associated extremely long scan runtimes
- Introduction of driver scans and afterwards the message is patched in the function that it requires a lot of performance.
- Problems since Linux software is scanned.

and I think one can continue this list.

I would like to see the pace of development slowed down again and more time spent on quality assurance.

Maybe we're just an individual case, but that's why it's supposed to be an open discussion.

What do you think? How does a member of staff see the whole thing? Are they aware of the problem, if there is one?

Lansweeper Tech Support
Lansweeper Tech Support
Thank you for sharing your feedback!

Lansweeper implemented a new release model for our 9.x product releases, called “Continuous Delivery.” Using this method, we delivered smaller subsets of features to customers at a higher frequency, which enabled us to collect feedback about the new features earlier. However, since our product behaves differently depending on the environment, small changes can have a significant impact.

During a recent post-release retrospective, we evaluated the Continuous Delivery approach and observed an increase in tickets and performance issues, because incremental changes were not fine-tuned until the final major product release. Given these findings, we’ve decided to change our release strategy to a more classic approach, providing more time for feature stabilization. Moving forward, we will release bundled features in 3-4 month cycles, only when those features are fully validated.

Our latest releases – 10.0, 10.0.1, 10.0.2 & 10.1.0 – have been shipped following the classic approach to guarantee stability and high quality, and so far, we have had no issues. Upcoming releases will be handled using the same classic approach.

In the meantime, we recommend upgrading to the latest version of Lansweeper and applying the appropriate patches.
Your feedback is invaluable to helping us shape our product roadmap, so keep it coming!
Champion Sweeper III
Personally I would like to have the option to download older 'stable' releases from Lansweeper's website.
Eg. a stable release before the new 'buggy' features were released.

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