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Engaged Sweeper
I’m trying to get my VmWare servers in Lansweeper but it is not working fine. We have 3 ESX Host, of course with different IP numbers and Host names. When I scan the three IP adresses the following happens:

Only ESX01 and ESX02 are visible in Lansweeper.
When I scan ESX03 it is listed in Lansweeper, but ESX01 in gone/deleted. Can you please explain what I’m doing wrong?

Thanks in advance.

Lansweeper Employee
Lansweeper Employee
This sounds to me like a duplicate MAC address issue.

For any non-windows asset, Lansweeper uses the MAC address as an unique identifier. When Lansweeper scans an asset it also checks if any of the MAC addresses of the asset are associated with another asset already in your database. If one of the MAC addresses matches with another device it is merged into the older device. This functionality exists to ensure that devices with many interfaces don't create many duplicate assets. In most cases, these types of merges would be correct, though there are cases where devices have generic MAC addresses. I presume that currently Lansweeper thinks that your VmWare servers are actually the same WmWare server because they have the same MAC address and therefore need to be merged. In these cases you can blacklist the generic MAC address so it no longer gets used to determine asset duplication. You can find more information on how Lansweeper uniquely identifies assets in this knowledgebase article:

In order to find which MAC addresses are causing the problem I recommend running the interface scan debugger below. This will give you a complete overview of all the MAC addresses on the asset in case there are multiple duplicates.

Interface Scan Debugger:

Once you have found the MAC addresses causing the merge, please do the following:
  • Just to be safe, we do recommend performing a database backup prior to running any scripts. Backup instructions can be found here:
  • Afterwards open DatabaseMaintenance.exe which can be found under Program Files (x86)\Lansweeper\Tools on your Lansweeper server or SQL Server Management Studio.
  • Copy/paste the script below and modify the highlighted code with the MAC address causing the issue, click Execute.
    If you found multiple duplicate MAC addresses you can modify and run the script multiple times, once for each MAC address. Asset merging is usually caused by a single MAC address though.
INSERT INTO tsysMacBlacklist (Mac, Comment) VALUES ('AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF', 'Generic MAC')
UPDATE tsysupdate SET MacBlacklist = GETDATE()