I created an action to echo what {cn} is returning:
cmd /k Echo "{cn}"
When I run that, it comes back with this result:
"CN=Doe^\, John,OU=US Users,DC=send,DC=local"
By using double quotes around {cn}, it inserts the carat after the last name, so the script fails as it can't find such a user.
When I run the same thing without the double quotes:
cmd /k Echo {cn}
it comes back with this result:
CN=Doe\, John,OU=US Users,DC=send,DC=local
The return is correct, but since there are spaces in the result, the double quotes are necessary, so the script still fails.
If anyone has any input on this, I'd be very interested in hearing it. I have several custom actions that use that {cn} variable and it's a pain to have to go to old methods to get the information.