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Engaged Sweeper II

Does LANSweeper query the last run date of specific software? We're at the license limit of a particular piece of software & rather than buy more, I'd like to uninstall it from other computers.

It'd be nice to be able to query the last run date.

Engaged Sweeper III
My apologies for taking so long to respond!!!!

Under Scanning go to File and Registry scanning.


For Office 2013 enter: %programfiles(x86)%\Microsoft Office\Office15\OUTLOOK.EXE (Change to Excel.exe or POWERPNT.exe or WINWORD.exe for other programs)

For newer Office enter: %programfiles(x86)%\Microsoft Office\root\Office16\OUTLOOK.EXE"

For 64bit change your program files folder
Engaged Sweeper III
I'm glad I found this post. I was able to create Custom File Scanning for Office products (Outlook.exe, WinWord.exe etc) and pull Last Accessed data into a report. When you've got 8,000+ systems this is important information. Would be great if it was a canned report.
CVannest wrote:
I'm glad I found this post. I was able to create Custom File Scanning for Office products (Outlook.exe, WinWord.exe etc) and pull Last Accessed data into a report. When you've got 8,000+ systems this is important information. Would be great if it was a canned report.

Would it be possible that you could share the report with the community?
Lansweeper Employee
Lansweeper Employee
Unfortunately the usage of software is not scanned.

A workaround is to find and scan the executable with file scanning. This will give you the LastAccessed date of the executable.
Charles.X wrote:
Unfortunately the usage of software is not scanned.

A workaround is to find and scan the executable with file scanning. This will give you the LastAccessed date of the executable.

Thanks for confirming.

I've added the exe to the scanned files list and have got the report. Interestingly it doesn't match the last run date from within 'programs'. These are the dates listed here: gwmi win32_softwareFeature | select-object productname,lastuse -unique | Format-table -autosize