Go to the server in question looking to perform the queries and configure a System DSN based ODBC connection to your SQL server. Next, within the SolarWinds application configure a connection string, along with whatever query it is you wish to perform. I am not familiar with the app in question so I can't comment on the interface.
My connection string looks like this:
Data Source=[IP of SQL Server]; DSN=lansweeper; Database=lansweeperdb; Driver=SQL Server; trusted_connection=Yes;
Example of a query I have to pull in some contact information:
Select tblADusers.Firstname As nameFirst,
tblADusers.Lastname As nameLast,
tblADusers.email As emailBusiness,
tblADusers.Lastname + ', ' + tblADusers.Firstname As userAccount,
From tblADusers
Left Join tblADObjects On
tblADObjects.ADObjectID = tblADusers.ManagerADObjectId
Where tblADusers.Lastname Is Not Null And tblADusers.email Is Not Null
And tblADusers.HomeDirectory Is Not Null