Please do open a support call... I've made one right at the beginning of August, and this is still not solved. So if more people open support calls on this, maybe it will get treated with a bigger priority...
I was just getting ready to submit a support call on this. Should be a very easy fix on the dev side to include in the next release. The data is still there in the database within the [lansweeperdb].[dbo].[tsysreports] table.
cscherrey wrote: I was just getting ready to submit a support call on this. Should be a very easy fix on the dev side to include in the next release. The data is still there in the database within the [lansweeperdb].[dbo].[tsysreports] table.
I created a new report off of your suggestion that neatly replaces the missing functionality.
REPORT: Report of all Reports Created in LS Select Top 1000000 * From tsysreports