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Engaged Sweeper III

We are running into an issue where incorrect data persists when re-imaging a computer. We usually like to keep assets in Lansweeper after a re-image because the history is able to be searched and reported on. The only issue with this that we fear stale data is being retained from the old operating system. One example of this is the Last Logged on User. Regardless of how many times we log on to a newly re-imaged computer, the Last Logged on User remains populated with the user who last logged in prior to the re-image of the computer.

Is there any way to fix this?

Champion Sweeper III
do you have rename detection enabled in LS?
Honored Sweeper
I don't have this issue at all, and do this all the time. What we do as part of our re-imaging process is re-run the Lansweeper VBS script that sets the access etc and a LSPush, so it has the most recent data.

I would suggest emailing support if you find that the data isn't updating.