i am having about 50 ip-range-scan targets with a size of /16 or /21 or similar.
i managed to schedule them so that only a few are starting at the same time.
we only run 1 single server..
looking at the aforementioned overview in the local admin console the last scan column seems to be a timestamp that i can not relate to anything consistently.
smaller ranges seem to have a timestamp of " when the scan finishes".
other seem to have a timestamp that seems to be when being added to the queue.
looking than also at the menu item of scanning , scanning status, scanning queue i am not able to identify ips that should be worked on .
sometimes the queue field has a number of a few thousands, sometimes a few hunderds but nothing that would compare to a / 16 scan.... and scans that should be in the queue ( 4 scans with mask of /16 starting at 12 noon).
also the menu scanned in the last 24 hrs / 7 days menu will not really represent what was scheduled or indicated in last scan column or in the queue menu ...
is there a KB that explains the generic approach of how the ip range scanning works , queues are populated and results are being shown .
for me it is not the parallel or sequential single IP check , but rather the 1 plus N scan schedules .
can you also explain what happens if the queue shows more than a number of 256000 ... ?
if and how schedules get skipped, if whatever queue/buffer is "full".... i have seen a few ip range schedules that apparently did not run ( lastscan column date ... ) for no obvious reason.
thanks for clarification.