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Bring LS data into Fabric OneLake

Hi, We're working within Fabric and with OneLake more frequently for our other data sources in order to make PowerBI reports to visualise and gain insights into the data that we have.And the reaosn why we're getting our data into OneLake is because i...

CCal by Engaged Sweeper II
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Scanning ForcePoint Appliances

Good morning.  I was curious if anyone out there has ForcePoint?  I am trying to figure out how to scan these appliances as they have CentOS installed on them.  I tried our default SNMP community string, but that did not work. So I wanted to check he...

dlafleur by Engaged Sweeper III
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Mass import without creating new assets

I want to know if there is a way to mass import a CSV to update existing assets on our Lansweeper. We need to update the information for about 1500 assets without replacing them / creating duplicate assets.I would appreciate if someone could help me ...

extremely high CPU usage since upgrade to

We are having to restart our LS Server a few times per day due to extremely high CPU usage. The LanSweeper Server is running at 98% with no scans or deployments running. Nothing in the Scanning queues, etc…..  Even after a restart, it’s better for a ...

Chrisy1963 by Engaged Sweeper II
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Creative Cloud License Tracking

We currently hold two separate licenses; one for Acrobat Pro and one for the full Creative Cloud Suite. I'm wondering how to track each of these using LANSweeper's Software License Tracking. Originally I was going to track Acrobat Pro & Creative Cl...

brodiemac2 by Champion Sweeper
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Report exposure thourgh API - PowerBi

Hello, Im creating this thread because i need some advice. Im trying to get the data from my exposed reports in PowerBi, but i dont understand how to make it work. I guess it should call the API for the information but not sure how the Query should b...

PabloB by Engaged Sweeper
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