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Engaged Sweeper

Hi!  I start to use this new feature "windows certificate scanning" in Lansweeper  version 10, But, unfortunately, don´t me bring Certificates installed in windows machines as Personal folder for all users.  There is any hints  to solve it?

For ex, if i running im my machine  and execute : "certutil -enumstore", I see the structures like  (folders : My\Root\Trust \CA \TrustedPublisher \etc]) .  There is Certificated installed on them, but Lansweep does not take it.

  I need take  a  list of " MY  " folder for all users in machine.  If I execute :" powershell -Command Get-ChildItem -Recurse Cert:"  appears, but Lansweeper  not.

Certificates in Other Folders appears, but enumerated  folder as My, for all users in the machine not.

Best regards, thanks.



Engaged Sweeper

I Noted that if I use in powershell  and pass  I pass absolute path  for especific user, ex : XPTOUSER, it works and bring me the certificates instaled. I think that lansweeper don´t searching in the Appdata for all user in machine...

PS C:\Windows\system32> Get-ChildItem -Path C:\Users\XPTOUSER\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\SystemCertificates\My\Certificates
e-hlI Pt :UescadeesApaaRaigMcootSseCriiae\yCriiae

Diretório: C:\Users\XPTOUSER\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\SystemCertificates\My\Certificates

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-a--s- 24/02/2022 17:05 1691 BF89E52F8D681360E6B84941BD2F9BC0093309F6
-a--s- 13/07/2022 09:23 2991 CC53FED65B84449B162FE291AB6F7C8420FE2BB7
-a--s- 24/02/2022 17:05 1691 D1DF7F06B769BCCB3F4479041EC1F06E9CD3CB1A
-a--s- 16/11/2020 08:42 2008 DDEA19F9235B972E93CBA94B31D20D7F8B5C23E9
-a--s- 24/02/2022 17:05 1726 F0BD97B4EC6CD8B71C35631738259CF9F2E54381

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