The problem with thin clients is that they do not expose enough information about themselves to identify them correctly. As you can see in the devicetester, this device is claiming to be a Windows PC.
You can change the assettype and model of multiple assets by executing SQL scripts on your database. You can do this by connecting directly to your database, or you can execute queries by going to Configuration -> Database Scripts on your Lansweeper page.
An example script:
UPDATE tblassets
SET Assettype = (SELECT assettype FROM tsysAssetTypes WHERE AssetTypename like '%thin%'),
AssetTypeLock = 1
WHERE (SELECT model FROM tblAssetCustom c WHERE c.AssetID = tblassets.AssetID) = 'LPT1'
UPDATE tblAssetCustom
SET Model = 'C30LE',
ModelLock = 1
WHERE Model = 'LPT1'
The first script will change all assets with model LPT1 to assettype thin client. The second one will set the model to C30LE.
Note that if you do not set the locks (AssetTypeLock and ModelLock) to 1, Lansweeper will overwrite these changes in the next scan.
If you need more help running SQL scripts you can contact us at (please include a link to this forum thread).