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Lansweeper Tech Support

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This page describes how to link your Network Discovery Hub with a Lansweeper On-premises installation, and how to unlink both installations if required.

You can link your Network Discovery Hub with a Lansweeper On-premises installation for access to Lansweeper's full capabilities. By linking your Hub, you can manage both your IT and OT assets from the Lansweeper web console.

For more benefits on linking your Network Discovery Hub to Lansweeper On-prem, see the benefits of Lansweeper On-prem.

You can link multiple Network Discovery Hubs with a single on-premise Lansweeper installation. 


  • Your Lansweeper On-prem installation needs to be at least version 11.1.
  • Your Network Discovery Hub installation needs to be at least version 4.1.2.
  • Your Network Discovery Hub installation is not linked to a Lansweeper Site or another Lansweeper On-prem installation.
  • The machine hosting your Network Discovery Hub installation needs to be able to reach the machine hosting the Lansweeper On-prem installation.
  • You need to know the IP address or URL of the Lansweeper On-prem scan server you would like to link to.
  • You need to open port 9524 by default. You can select another port for the Network Discovery Hub in the web console.
Ensure that Lansweeper On-prem is not connected to a Lansweeper Site before trying to link your Network Discovery Hub. Only link Lansweeper On-prem to Network Discovery Hub if you do not intend to establish a connection between a Lansweeper Site and your Lansweeper On-prem installation.
  1. Go your Network Discovery Hub.
  2. Click Linking options and select Link with Classic.
  3. Enter the URL of your scan server and select Link with Classic.
    The linking URL is a combination of https://, the domain name or IP address of the server running Lansweeper On-prem, and the port you’ve configured in the web console. The default linking URL is https://[domain name or IP address]:9524/.
    Link with Classic 2.png
  4. Go to your on-prem web console. A notification mentioning an Network Discovery Hub link request is displayed.
  5. Select View requests. Alternatively, go to Configuration > Network Discovery Hubs links overview.
    If you don’t see a link request in your web console, select Resend link request in the Network Discovery Hub.
    If you don’t want to link your Network Discovery Hub, select Remove link request in the Network Discovery Hub.
  6. Select the check mark to accept the pending authorization request.
    Link with Classic 3.png
  7. Your OT assets will be synced to Lansweeper On-prem. This may take a while.

After synchronization, you can find your scanned OT assets by going to Assets > OT assets.
Alternatively, you could filter the entire list of assets by entering “OT” in the Type field.

Note that the information you added to OT assets in your Lansweeper On-prem web console does not sync to the Network Discovery Hub. Unlinking your Network Discovery Hub will result in losing any added information.
  1. Go to your Network Discovery Hub.
  2. Select Classic Link Overview.
  3. Select Unlink from Classic.

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Version history
Last update:
‎01-28-2025 01:35 PM
Updated by: