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‎07-02-2020 10:45 PM
‎07-10-2020 07:50 PM
create proc [dbo].[UpdateIntuneIMEI_On_Asset] as
update tblassetcustom
set custom2 = intune.imei
FROM [tblIntuneDevice] intune
inner join tblassetcustom ass on ass.AssetID = intune.AssetId
where intune.imei <> '' and intune.imei not like '*%'
and ass.Custom2 = ''
‎07-10-2020 07:47 PM
brodiemac-too wrote:
We are starting to inventory iPhones that are being imported from Intune. Each phone shows a valid AD user but when you click the link for the user, the device is not listed on the user page. Is there a way to create that asset relation automatically?
create proc [dbo].[InsertIntune_User_Relations] as
declare @domain as varchar(20)
set @domain = '<YourDomain>'
;with missing_intune_users_cte as (
intune.UserDisplayName as Intune_Displayname
,intune.UserPrincipalName as Intune_UPN
,SUBSTRING(intune.UserPrincipalName,1,CHARINDEX('@',intune.UserPrincipalName)-1) as Intune_Samaccountname
,intune.UserId as Intune_Userid
,intune.AssetId as Intune_Assetid
,intune.EnrolledDateTime as Intune_EnrollDateTime
,assr.[Type] --Type = 12
from [tblIntuneDevice] intune
left outer join [tblAssetUserRelations] assr on assr.AssetID = intune.assetid
where assr.Username is null and intune.UserPrincipalName <> ''
insert into [tblAssetUserRelations] (Username,Userdomain,AssetID,[Type],[StartDate],Comments)
select Intune_Samaccountname,@domain,Intune_Assetid,12,Intune_EnrollDateTime,'Imported from Intune' from missing_intune_users_cte
‎07-08-2020 03:06 PM
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