it would be nice so that you could run the uninstaller from the software page example
we have 200 computers with java 6.20 and 7.50... it would be nice to click the software we want to remove from the software overview.. I use your uninstaller to grab the uninstall ID and have to run batch files to clean up the versions on our network. i would imagin the process would go as follows.
software to uninstall (java 7.5)
30 pcs => check connectivity => let user verify uninstall ID => click uninstall => after uninstall is complete program should check if uninstall ID is present if it is post fail with option to redeploy uninstall. => if connectivity fails give option to redeploy.
It seems simple enough all the parts are there you just need the asp front end to support it...
Software deployment (which allows for installations/uninstallations) is included in the 5.2 beta, which should be released later today. Contact if you're not on our list of beta testers yet.
Bulk install/uninstall tools are planned for a future update, but we do not yet have a release date for these features. (They won't be included in Lansweeper 5.0.)
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