Is there anyway to import MIB for snap devices? I have some MIB files for an Sinology NAS that I would like to add to my lansweeper install. Anyway to do that?
I have several older APC UPSs with snmp capable network cards. Smart-UPS 750Smart-UPS 1000Smart-UPS 1500Smart-UPS 5000XLSmart-UPS 10000XLPlease add to Lansweeper the ability to get battery information from these UPSs. I understand 5.1 can do this f...
Is there a way in Lansweeper to report on printer pages printed for only black pages printed excluding color copies?For instance:Lansweeper states 60000 pages printed by a printer, but in reality on 28k have been black print outs.We have a vendor who...
I've added my switches and other network gear to the SNMP Device list.I'd like to be able to add custom OID's and have LanSweeper go get the data from that OID and display it somehow.For example, I can get the version of the OS on all my switches via...
Hi,It would be great if we had the option to define how the SLA count is calculating based on a ticket status.For example: A ticket in status 'awaiting response' is not ment to count down the SLA timing as this is an action depending on the user itse...
I am trying to audit the monitors connected to HP Thin Clients, these devices run Linux 4.15.7-hp #10 SMP, by default Lansweeper picks up most of the hardware in the device but not the monitors. If I look at the /var/log/xorg.0.log file I can see the...
Hi Folks,When setting up custom fields for a ticket type, we can add additional selection fields.I would like to have an info box showing information based on the users selection.for example, if a user selects "Access to WiFi", it would display an in...
Hi,I'm wondering if it's possible to automatically reopen tickets after a certain date that you set in the ticket?For example we have some tickets that handle certain access for users for a fixed time only (e.g. a week).But we sometimes forget to reo...