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Engaged Sweeper II
It would be nice to be able to deploy to clients not connected to your network through the LSAgent. We have a lot of sales staff that travel around and connect to random networks everywhere, but do not ever come into the building. The Agent at least gives us some insight on to their machines, but we cannot push out updates, or new applications without bringing them into the building. It would be nice if we could push those tasks through the Agent (mostly since its already installed) and update those machines.
Honored Sweeper
I had a look at PDQ's as you mentioned, their Agent is for asset scanning mostly not remote deployment (although they are adding a slight feature). They split their app into two. One for deployments and one for asset scanning where LS does it in one.

The deployment options PDQ have are: Deploy unedited packages from the package library to machines with the PDQ Inventory Agent installed. Even machines outside of your network!

Basically meaning standard installs of Chrome, iTunes, dropbox etc (publically accessible applications), not applications you can package yourself or customise / edit install options. Its basically doing what NiNite does.

There is the list of packages that their agent can install.

I think you will struggle to find something that does agent installs on machines off your network that you can specify, customise, etc.

It would be better to look at a VPN client that runs automatically as a service, if they are on your network the VPN doesn't connect but once off it auto connects. Something like FortiClient or Global Protect.
Honored Sweeper
LSAgent is simply reporting the info via a relay server. To do what you ask would require your applications to be open to the wild (internet) for the LSAgent to then be able to download them.

It's not really feasible, what I would suggest is have corporate VPN that joins those machines to the domain so you can interact with them.

That is what we have in a large construction company where alot of our staff are working on 4G connections on sites etc, and rarely come into the office with their devices.

Having the VPN auto connect and join our network we can still deploy to them, although large packages are packaged differently to eg copy the package to the machine first before installing etc.
Engaged Sweeper II
We dont want to have them on VPN all the time. While i see the benefit of it, our support is fairly lazy when setting up machines, and to top it off having to deal with constant issues of vpn not functioning would add a lot of extra phone calls and support requests. While not an excuse, its just not a conversation i want to get into right now. PDQ is doing something similar, and its one of the reasons why i am looking at it. If Lansweeper handled the same kind of work, i would not need two additional products.

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