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Engaged Sweeper III
I love the new QR Code feature.
It would be even more interesting with more customizing options for single code generation like :

- Add a text area for Asset Name or ID (Like in Mass edit Asset)
- Add a compagny logo next to, or in, the code

The idea is to tag all our assets with the lansweeper QR Code, but for now we cannot do what we want.

Also, generating a code with Serial Number is not working for all assets.
For example a serialnumber of an asset is : 27549117-5000271 (Sony laptop), but scanning the QR will give you something like this : http://lansweeper/quicksearch.aspx?q=N/A

And do you have any ETA for the first beta of Lansweeper Helpdesk ?
Lansweeper Alumni
We tend to print with regular printers on regular A4 paper. We do think for QR code printers specifically the QR feature in Lansweeper could be improved by printing individual QR images instead of PDFs. This feature is on our customer wish list, but we do not have a release date for it.
Susan.A wrote:
We tend to print with regular printers on regular A4 paper. We do think for QR code printers specifically the QR feature in Lansweeper could be improved by printing individual QR images instead of PDFs. This feature is on our customer wish list, but we do not have a release date for it.

Did this feature request ever make it in to development? I'm revisiting the Asset Management capabilities of Lansweeper but without the ability to print proper Asset Tags from the QR codes, it's pretty much unusable. Just wondered if there has been any movement in the last 4 years!!
Champion Sweeper III
I too am trying to find a way to print QR codes onto labels.

Honestly what's the point of having the QR code feature if you can't print them on anything?
Lansweeper Alumni
The QR code feature is not included in the freeware version of Lansweeper. If you would like to request a Standard/Premium/Enterprise trial key, please contact sales (

If you have a license, you can click the Assets link at the top of the web console, tick the checkboxes in front of your assets and hit the QR Codes button on the left to generate QR codes.
Engaged Sweeper
I love the new QR Code feature.

I am a complete n00b to lansweeper and have only downloaded the free version to tinker with. I haven't found a QR code or feature within the software (yet).

Am I looking in the wrong place?
Lansweeper Alumni
We will add this feature to our wishlist. But we cannot assure you that this is going to be implemented. This is because we receive so many feature requests that we have to make a selection.
Engaged Sweeper II

I'm also trying to find a way to create Asset Tags using the QR codes from Lansweeper. Adding the features already mentioned in this thread would be fantastic.

However, I think a more fundamental need, is the ability to be able to output the QR codes in a format that could be printed on standard label sheets.

I can create PDF files using 8x3 mode to generate 24 QR codes per A4 page, however, the margins are such that these would not print on to a standard Avery L7159 label sheet.

If it was possible to select from a few of the more common standard Avery Label formats for the QR Code output, this would make it very easy to create your own asset labels.

Microsoft Office products already have the Avery templates embedded:

There are also many resources online for downloading standard Avery templates for MSWord and Adobe.

I hope you will consider adding this feature as I think it would really enhance the excellent Asset Management capabilities of Lansweeper.

Thanks & Best Regards.

Engaged Sweeper
I'm more interested in the Logo insertion into a QR code image.
One little question, is color option available of the QR code with Logo? Thanks 🙂
Engaged Sweeper III
Great ! Thanks for your response.