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Engaged Sweeper II
For now I would recommend 2 handy buttons on the management UI, which could help for a better use, and help us:
1) On “IP range scanning “page, one additional button, which would enable scanning on demand only for selected range of IP, same functionality like on the “Scheduled scanning” tab.
2) One “Refresh / Reload” button on the “Computers” page, which would reload /reread the data from computers. This would be handy because new computers are not appearing / displaying on this interface only if Management UI (program) is restarted. They appear on the web interface, but for this we need to open 2 UI to see what is happening or close / start the program few times. This is happening when deleting a problematic computer and rescanning after a fix, this cannot be seen.
I add here two images what would be the idea.
Lansweeper Alumni
2e feature is already possible, the button after the record next/last buttons at the bottom of the page.

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