Has the installation routine been changed to allow easy custom settings for SQL server, SQL instance, database name, and database username (that should not have to be a SQL admin - just db owner)? Enterprises really need this support. http://www.lansweeper.com/forum/yaf_postst2963_Installation-Methodology--dont-like-it-.aspx http://lansweeper.com/forum/yaf_postst3112_DB-script.aspx
Do you have plans to change the installer so it can be used with SQL back-ends where you don't have admin rights and may have to conform to various naming requirements?
The alternative is to install to a dev SQL box to let Lansweeper get the local installation done, transfer the database and then change the local config to point to the production SQL back-end where Lansweeper is only a db owner.
This is a kludge for something that should pretty straight forward and simple in the installer: What SQL server and instance? What database name? What database user?