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Engaged Sweeper III
Is there a way to have this as part of Lansweeper? I know that you can view the last user that logged on to a compute but this script tell you what computer the user has logged onto in the past. This was working in Lansweeper 3.2, but since going to Lansweeper 3.5 (Fresh install) it appear to no longer work. Not sure if I am doing some thing wrong. the first two steps load fine. The third is where I run into problems. Web page displays code instead of what is intended.


I have modified the page that shows the user information, to include a list of the computers that the user has logged on to.
The list only shows the last login for each computer.

I made a new View called TFK_web30lastlogon_computers

SELECT TOP 100 PERCENT Username AS lastuser, MAX([Domain]) AS lastdomain, MAX(logontime) AS lastlogon, Computername
FROM dbo.tblCPlogoninfo
GROUP BY Username, Computername
ORDER BY Username, Computername

Then i made a new stored procedure called TFK_web30searchuser, which uses the new view
CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.TFK_web30searchuser(@name varchar(300))

AS SELECT dbo.tblADusers.Displayname, dbo.tblADusers.Title, dbo.tblADusers.Company, dbo.tblADusers.Department, dbo.tblADusers.Username,
dbo.tblADusers.Firstname, dbo.tblADusers.Lastname, dbo.tblADusers.Telephone,, dbo.tblADusers.Userdomain,
dbo.tblADusers.Mobile, dbo.TFK_web30lastlogon_computers.lastlogon, dbo.TFK_web30lastlogon_computers.Computername
dbo.TFK_web30lastlogon_computers ON dbo.tblADusers.Username = dbo.TFK_web30lastlogon_computers.lastuser AND
dbo.tblADusers.Userdomain = dbo.TFK_web30lastlogon_computers.lastdomain
WHERE (dbo.tblADusers.Username LIKE @name COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_Cp1_CI_AI + '%') OR
(dbo.tblADusers.Firstname LIKE @name COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_Cp1_CI_AI + '%') OR
(dbo.tblADusers.Lastname LIKE @name COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_Cp1_CI_AI + '%') OR
(dbo.tblADusers.Displayname LIKE @name COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_Cp1_CI_AI + '%') OR
(dbo.tblADusers.Displayname LIKE '%' + ' ' + @name COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_Cp1_CI_AI + '%') OR
(dbo.tblADusers.Department LIKE @name COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_Cp1_CI_AI + '%')
ORDER BY dbo.TFK_web30lastlogon_computers.Lastlogon desc

Then last a modified the ASPX file it-userdetail.aspx, by adding the computerlisting from the APSX file it-searchuser.aspx

<%@ Page Language="VB" ContentType="text/html" %>
<%@ Register TagPrefix="MM" Namespace="DreamweaverCtrls" Assembly="DreamweaverCtrls,version=,publicKeyToken=836f606ede05d46a,culture=neutral" %>

<!-- Connection info for Brukerinfo -->

ConnectionString='<%# System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("MM_CONNECTION_STRING_Lansweeper") %>'
DatabaseType='<%# System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("MM_CONNECTION_DATABASETYPE_Lansweeper") %>'
<Parameter Name="@RETURN_VALUE" Type="Int" Direction="ReturnValue" />
<Parameter Name="@username" Value='<%# request("username") %>' Type="VarChar" Direction="Input" />
<Parameter Name="@userdomain" Value='<%# request("userdomain") %>' Type="VarChar" Direction="Input" />
<MM:PageBind runat="server" PostBackBind="true" />
<MM:PageBind runat="server" PostBackBind="true" />

<!-- Connectioninfo for Computerliste -->

ConnectionString='<%# System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("MM_CONNECTION_STRING_Lansweeper") %>'
DatabaseType='<%# System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("MM_CONNECTION_DATABASETYPE_Lansweeper") %>'
<Parameter Name="@RETURN_VALUE" Type="Int" Direction="ReturnValue" />
<Parameter Name="@name" Value='<%# request("username") %>' Type="VarChar" Direction="Input" />
<MM:PageBind runat="server" PostBackBind="true" />

<link href="css/ls.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1">
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td><img src="images/users.png" width="48" height="40" hspace="4" /></td>
<table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
<td class="lijntje"><font size="4"><strong><%# dscomputers.FieldValue("Displayname", Container) %></strong></font></td>
<td><span class="bigt" >User details </span></td>

<!-- Blank felt-->

<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="4" cellpadding="0">
<td valign="top">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="2" class="box">
<td valign="top" width="80%">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" class="borderbox">
<td valign="top">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" class="borderbox">
<td align="right" class="lijntje"><strong>Title:</strong>&nbsp;</td>
<td class="lijntje"><%# dscomputers.FieldValue("title", Container) %>&nbsp;</td>
<tr class="ne">
<td align="right" class="lijntje"><strong>Department:</strong>&nbsp;</td>
<td class="lijntje"><%# dscomputers.FieldValue("department", Container) %>&nbsp;</td>
<tr >
<td align="right" class="lijntje"><strong>Office:</strong>&nbsp;</td>
<td class="lijntje"><%# dscomputers.FieldValue("Office", Container) %>&nbsp;</td>
<tr class="ne">
<td align="right" class="lijntje"><strong>Upn:</strong>&nbsp;</td>
<td class="lijntje"><%# dscomputers.FieldValue("UPN", Container) %>&nbsp;</td>
<tr >
<td align="right" class="lijntje"><strong>Username:</strong>&nbsp;</td>
<td class="lijntje"><%# dscomputers.FieldValue("Username", Container) %>&nbsp;</td>
<tr class="ne">
<td align="right" class="lijntje"><strong>Domain:</strong>&nbsp;</td>
<td class="lijntje"><%# dscomputers.FieldValue("Userdomain", Container) %>&nbsp;</td>
<tr >
<td align="right" class="lijntje"><strong>Last computer:</strong>&nbsp;</td>
<td class="lijntje"><a href="default.aspx?item=compdetail&amp;comp=<%# dscomputers.FieldValue("Computername", Container) %>"><%# dscomputers.FieldValue("Computername", Container) %></a>&nbsp;</td>
<tr class="ne">
<td align="right" class="lijntje"><strong>Last logon:</strong>&nbsp;</td>
<td class="lijntje"><%# dscomputers.FieldValue("lastlogon", Container) %>&nbsp;</td>
<tr >
<td align="right" class="lijntje"><strong>E-mail:</strong>&nbsp;</td>
<td class="lijntje"><a href="mailto:<%# dscomputers.FieldValue("email", Container) %>"><%# dscomputers.FieldValue("email", Container) %></a>&nbsp;</td>
<tr class="ne">
<td align="right" class="lijntje"><strong>Telephone:</strong>&nbsp;</td>
<td class="lijntje"><a href="callto:<%# dscomputers.FieldValue("Telephone", Container) %>"><%# dscomputers.FieldValue("Telephone", Container) %></a>&nbsp;</td>
<tr >
<td align="right" class="lijntje"><strong>Mobile:</strong>&nbsp;</td>
<td class="lijntje"><a href="callto:<%# dscomputers.FieldValue("Mobile", Container) %>"><%# dscomputers.FieldValue("Mobile", Container) %></a>&nbsp;</td>
<tr class="ne">
<td align="right" class="lijntje"><strong>Fax:</strong>&nbsp;</td>
<td class="lijntje"><%# dscomputers.FieldValue("Fax", Container) %>&nbsp;</td>
<tr >
<td align="right" valign="top" class="lijntje"><strong>Company:</strong>&nbsp;</td>
<td class="lijntje"><%# dscomputers.FieldValue("company", Container) %>&nbsp;<br />
<%# dscomputers.FieldValue("street", Container) %>&nbsp;<br />
<%# dscomputers.FieldValue("zip", Container) %>&nbsp;<%# dscomputers.FieldValue("city", Container) %><br />
<%# dscomputers.FieldValue("country", Container) %></td>
<td valign="top"><img src="smallthumb.aspx?user=<%# dscomputers.FieldValue("Username", Container) %>&amp;domain=<%# dscomputers.FieldValue("Userdomain", Container) %>&amp;size=200" class="picbox" />



<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td><img src="images/users.png" width="48" height="40" hspace="4" />
<table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
<td class="lijntje"><span class="bigt">Results for search &quot;<%=request("username")%>&quot;</span>
<td><%= CIcomputers.RecordCount %> items found

<!-- blank felt -->

<td><%if CIcomputers.recordcount <> 0 then%>
<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
<td valign="top">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="2" class="box">
<td valign="top">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" class="borderbox">
<td valign="top">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" class="borderbox">
<td valign="middle" class="tblcell">&nbsp;</td>
<td valign="middle" class="tblcell">Display name&nbsp;</td>
<td valign="middle" class="tblcell">Department&nbsp;</td>
<td valign="middle" class="tblcell">Title&nbsp;</td>
<td valign="middle" class="tblcell">Computer&nbsp;</td>
<td valign="middle" class="tblcell">Logon Time&nbsp;</td>
<%dim tal as integer
dim CIrow as
tal = 1%>
<% For Each CIrow In CIcomputers.DefaultView.Table.Rows%>
<tr <%if (tal mod 2) = 0 then%>class="ne"<%end if%>>
<td height="30" align="center" valign="middle" class="lijntje"><a href="default.aspx?item=userdetail&amp;username=<%=CIrow("username") %>&amp;userdomain=<%=CIrow("userdomain")%>"><img src="smallthumb.aspx?user=<%=CIrow("username") %>&amp;domain=<%=CIrow("userdomain") %>&amp;size=26" border="0" align="baseline" class="pic" /></a></td>
<td class="lijntje"><a href="default.aspx?item=userdetail&amp;username=<%=CIrow("username") %>&amp;userdomain=<%=CIrow("userdomain")%>"><%=CIrow("displayname") %></a>&nbsp;</td>
<td class="lef"><%=CIrow("department") %>&nbsp;</td>
<td class="lef"><%=CIrow("title") %>&nbsp;</td>
<td class="lef"><a href="default.aspx?item=compdetail&amp;comp=<%=CIrow("Computername") %>"><%=CIrow("computername") %></a>&nbsp;</td>
<td align="right" class="lef"><%=CIrow("lastlogon") %>&nbsp;</td>
</tr><%tal = tal + 1%>
<%end if%>

<!-- blank felt -->


Now when i search for a user and click to get the user details displayed i also get to se all the computers where the user has login.
Engaged Sweeper III
I noticed in another thread that there appears to be an issue with executing SQL scripts from within Lansweeper 3.5 beta. I was able to delete the enteries and run them from within SQL mgt. console and the User Logged Onto now works.

Engaged Sweeper III
I was able to rebuild a test server with Lansweeper 3.2 Here is what the Last Logon view looks like.

Engaged Sweeper III
And of course each computer listed was hyper-linked to the Action Screen of that computer... Very useful for Offer Remote Assistance. Oh and if anyone is intereseted on how to confugure remote assistance under Windows Vista here is the command that you will needto add under your custon actions

\\yourworkstation\c$\Windows\System32\msra.exe /offerRA {computer}

The only limitation to this is that you need to specify your workstation's name and then in my case append my name so that others will not get confused as to which RA is theirs. I believe that if Lansweeper is installed on Windows Server 2008 you should be able to use that server name instead for everyone who user Lansweeper.

Engaged Sweeper III
Sorry no screen shots form the before. Below this screen shot of the user details would be a list of computer that user has logged onto along with date and time, and user accout used to login. It would also list the last 100 computers that they logged onto.

Lansweeper Alumni
Could you send me a screenshot on how it looked in the past, if it's a minor change I can implement it in the final 3.5

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