‎09-16-2018 12:14 PM
‎09-25-2018 08:00 AM
‎09-27-2023 06:49 PM
We've used the MSI Wrapper as well. I don't like how the program shows with all the bloat, but it accomplishes what we needed.
‎09-25-2018 11:04 AM
ictcafe wrote:
We are using Intune with a build MSI from the lsagent.exe. We build the MSI with the free program MSI Wrapper. In the parameter settings we used the settings: --server LAN-001 --port 9524 --agentkey 4c2db649-014a-41f5-a01d-123456abc --mode unattended.
‎11-30-2018 03:05 PM
Charles.X wrote:
Regardless, it's a very innovative way of getting an MSI. I'll try it out myself and document the steps as this might be useful for others.
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