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Product Team
Product Team

Hi everyone!

Lansweeper is delighted to announce the availability of its new IT Agent in your Lansweeper Site, now in Preview. Track your hard-to-reach assets using the IT Agent which tracks the details of a single computer running Windows, Linux, or Apple MacOS and sends these directly to your Lansweeper Site.

How to access IT Agent in your Lansweeper Site

  1. Open a browser and navigate to
  2. Choose the Lansweeper Site to which you want to link the IT Agent Discovery. 
  3. Go to Scanning > Discovery systems > Download installers/packages > IT Agent Discovery

A brief explanation

  • Learn how to install/deploy IT Agent here.
  • After a successful installation, the IT Agent(s) will be shown in your Lansweeper Site in Scanning > Discovery systems.

  • To see the asset data, you can open Inventory > All assets (and you can use the search/advanced filter on the top right to filter on the specific assets/installation where IT Agent is running)

Product comparison

Lansweeper Network Discovery vs Lansweeper IT Agent (Portable) Discovery



Discover all IT (and later OT) assets in your network

Get all details of the computers you know that have IT Agent Discovery installed and running as a background service or daemon.

Planned, not available yet. Get all details of the computers on which you run IT Agent as a foreground application. Ideal to be included in a logon script

Asset reach

Tracks both the machine running Network Discovery and discovers IT (and later OT) assets remotely

Local computer tracking where the IT Agent Discovery is running

Local computer tracking where the IT Agent Discovery is running


Requires credentials to get all asset details remotely

Does not require credentials

Does not require credentials

Network access

Requires specific ports to be open on the assets to discover. See 

Few connectivity requirements. See 

An encryption key from a Lansweeper Network Discovery - Hub component. Either direct access to the hub or a location to store the discovery result file in, for later import.


Request for feedback

It's time for us to let you try and test this new feature. We hope this first version will give you an easy-to-deploy agent-based discovery.

Finally, we're all ears! Your feedback is valuable, and we'd love to hear it.

Feel free to share in the comments or share your logs and screenshots privately to

Kind regards,

Gilian De Raes
Product Manager | Lansweeper

100 REPLIES 100
Engaged Sweeper III

Thanks @Gilian  - any update on the Asset Type being incorrectly identified as 'Mobile' rather than Windows? e.g. do we need to be using a newer installer package and if so what will happen for existing deployments as the number of devices classified as Mobile is still growing rather than reducing?

@eputz Not yet, investigations are ongoing.

edit: meanwhile the asset type of remaining Windows assets (mostly from brand Asus) have also been corrected. Can you do a rescan and see if the type has been corrected? The last scan attempt and last succesful dates should be updated (so we know the new asset type could be applied)


Hi @avillarreal ,

Can you send screenshots of the asset detail page with the tabs: "software", "antivirus" and the summary page to We'd like to know which of these modules is the core one that is enabled? Secure endpoint? If we know this, we know on which core plugin to focus to indicate whether or not the antivirus is enabled.

Engaged Sweeper III

Hello @Gilian ,

I'm noticing that every time that my computer reboots the Lansweeper Sensor fails as it doesn't connect with the HUB... The option that I saw is to delay the startup of the Sensor process on the services and that seems to work.. 

{"Timestamp":"2024-02-13T01:12:18.8670829-06:00","Level":"Error","TraceId":null,"SpanId":null,"MessageTemplate":{"Text":"Failed to make get call to notification api","Tokens":[{}]},"Properties":{"SourceContext":{"ScalarValueObj":{"ScalarValue":"Lansweeper.Discovery.Hub.Application.Notifications.ApiClient.NotificationApiClient","ScalarValueType":"System.String"}},"MachineName":{"ScalarValueObj":{"ScalarValue":"MXRA-PF3DWCG6","ScalarValueType":"System.String"}},"MemoryUsage":{"ScalarValueObj":{"ScalarValue":56642568,"ScalarValueType":"System.Int64"}}},"Exception":{"Type":"HttpRequestException","Message":"No such host is known. (","StackTrace":" at System.Net.Http.HttpConnectionPool.ConnectToTcpHostAsync(String , Int32 , HttpRequestMessage , Boolean , CancellationToken )\r\n at System.Net.Http.HttpConnectionPool.ConnectAsync(HttpRequestMessage , Boolean , CancellationToken )\r\n at System.Net.Http.HttpConnectionPool.CreateHttp11ConnectionAsync(HttpRequestMessage , Boolean , CancellationToken )\r\n at System.Net.Http.HttpConnectionPool.AddHttp11ConnectionAsync(HttpRequestMessage )\r\n at System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCompletionSourceWithCancellation\u00601.WaitWithCancellationAsync(CancellationToken )\r\n at System.Net.Http.HttpConnectionPool.GetHttp11ConnectionAsync(HttpRequestMessage , Boolean , CancellationToken )\r\n at System.Net.Http.HttpConnectionPool.SendWithVersionDetectionAndRetryAsync(HttpRequestMessage , Boolean , Boolean , CancellationToken )\r\n at System.Net.Http.RedirectHandler.SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage , Boolean , CancellationToken )\r\n at Microsoft.Extensions.Http.Logging.LoggingHttpMessageHandler.\u003CSendCoreAsync\u003Eg__Core|5_0(HttpRequestMessage , Boolean , CancellationToken )\r\n at Microsoft.Extensions.Http.Logging.LoggingScopeHttpMessageHandler.\u003CSendCoreAsync\u003Eg__Core|5_0(HttpRequestMessage , Boolean , CancellationToken )\r\n at System.Net.Http.HttpClient.\u003CSendAsync\u003Eg__Core|83_0(HttpRequestMessage , HttpCompletionOption , CancellationTokenSource , Boolean , CancellationTokenSource , CancellationToken )\r\n at Lansweeper.Discovery.Hub.Application.Notifications.ApiClient.NotificationApiClient.\u0005.MoveNext()","InnerException":{"Type":"SocketException","Message":"No such host is known.","StackTrace":" at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.AwaitableSocketAsyncEventArgs.System.Threading.Tasks.Sources.IValueTaskSource.GetResult(Int16 )\r\n at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.\u003CConnectAsync\u003Eg__WaitForConnectWithCancellation|277_0(AwaitableSocketAsyncEventArgs , ValueTask , CancellationToken )\r\n at System.Net.Http.HttpConnectionPool.ConnectToTcpHostAsync(String , Int32 , HttpRequestMessage , Boolean , CancellationToken )","InnerException":null,"Data":{},"HResult":-2147467259,"Source":"System.Net.Sockets","HelpLink":null},"Data":{},"HResult":-2147467259,"Source":"System.Net.Http","HelpLink":null}}

The other thing that I'm notice is that the computer even after everything seems okay it still said that is not connected to the lansweeper cloud...

Is there a way to check if the computer is sending the updates? because on the console said that it was received the last config almost a week ago...




Engaged Sweeper III

@Gilian Hi Gillian, we've got the IT agent deployed to approx. 2300 windows devices now and what we've noticed is that about 300 of those devices are being incorrectly classified as 'Mobile' device when they're Workstations running Windows 10 Education. How can we get them correctly classified as 'Windows' devices?


Our development team has corrected the incorrect asset type "mobile" for Windows 10 Education devices. During a next scan, your assets should receive the Windows asset type once again.

Engaged Sweeper III

@Gilian  - Hi Gilian , we're still seeing Windows Computers being incorrectly classed as mobile devices. Do you need any further information from us to troubleshoot as we have 340+ incorrectly showing as Asset Type - Mobile? 

Engaged Sweeper III

By the way... In the case of Windows Business it's considering as a Server, not as Workstations:



@avillarreal thanks for sharing. I'll report this to our development team to correct the type in case of Windows Business.

Edit: where are you seeing "Server" in your Lansweeper site?

Engaged Sweeper III

Hello @Gilian ,

On the assets screen:


It shown as 466 servers. 
