I wish I could search a PC by FQDN.
I know when I begin typing it´s name, it gets automatically completed. But I want to use the link to quicksearch externally for automatic linking to assets and I only can search for FQDNs there, not for netbios names. If you search for a specific item and the search string is unique, you don´t land on a search results page but directly on the item´s page.
Imagine you have 2 domains (contoso.local and corp.inc) in different networks, in each one a PC with the same netbios name "PC13". Actually LanSweeper finds both when you search for their netbios names and lets you decide on a search reaults page, what item you meant - but it does not find any of both when you search for their FQDNs "PC13.contoso.local" or "PC13.corp.inc".