In the morning and afternoon, a queue accumulates on one of the scanning servers; scanning does not occur. However, in the late evening or at night the queue begins to thin out. Rebooting the server or service helps for a couple of hours, then the situation repeats. Reinstalling and reconfiguring the scanning server did not produce any results.
Maybe someone has encountered something similar?
Hello KlyuevAD,
Do you always see the same assets stuck at the top of your queue? If that is the cause it would be a WMI corruption.
But if it keeps building up, can you check if you are not scanning too many assets? Are your IP ranges not too big?
If the ranges are very big, scanning may slow down or seem blocked because we are pinging too many public addresses to scan.
Secondly, check also if there are no performance issues and if your scanning server is in good shape.
If the issue remains, feel free to contact our Support team and provide the logs as described here: Collect files for Lansweeper Support - Lansweeper Community
There are always random hosts in the queue. Queue looks like "(0) 3500". By evening, hosts begin to arrive from the queue into the scanner "(32) 3500".
There are 8 identical scanning servers at our disposal, all with the latest updates installed. But only one of them behaves this way. The scanning grid is identical. It differs only in the geographical component.
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