Hello,Is it possible to include Toshiba warranty details scan?The link for the site is http://www.csd.toshiba.com/cgi-bin/tais/support/jsp/globalEntitlement.jspThanks,Paulo
Would be nice to have ability to call custom actions for all/selected assets. For instance, perform the WOL for all those assets in a report so I can turn them on for after hours maintenance. Would work similar to the scan all assets action.
Hello - I love the report button on computers as it allows me to print it off for meetings/discussions and to do side by side comparrisons, etc. It doesn't include the custom fields, though. Is there a way to edit the report that's generated with t...
Hi,Lansweeper is absolutely amazing and a life saver! Currently trying to get my manager to shell out for premium....!One thing that would be really handy is the ability to either:a) Include AD OU exclusions on IP scansb) Provide the ability to paste...
I'd like to be able to add comments & documents to Active Directory users the same as you can for the workstations.Reason: We have to move people out of security groups if they are out of office for extended periods due to the volume of email we rec...