We´d like to ask if the following wishes could be included in future releases:
-LSPUSH with the ability to deploy it as a Windows Service
-A Batch processor for tasks like: Reboot all Systems, Delete specific file(s) or folder(s) on all clients, Copy specific file(s) or folder(s) to all clients. This feature should come with a queue for offline Computers, so that the changes will take place when the computers are up the next time...
-Some kind of realtime online Monitor - which clients are up atm, which users are logged on atm
-Some statistics for the Usage of a specified Software product - to see if it was run/used by the users or if the skip it/ignore it/don´t need it... For example a statistic for the usage of Media Player Classic and another for VLC Media Player to determine which product is used more frequently...
-A feature or report for "Windows not activated yet" would be great, too
But our top priority would be the LSPUSH Windows service with the ability to install/uninstall it remotely from the Lansweeper server because we have trouble scanning at least 50% of our machines without LSPUSH being used at the moment...