Whatever feature is added must not come at the expense of responsiveness. This is why we stopped using Spiceworks. It tries to do too many things and runs very slowly. This is why I love your product...It's fast!
If helpdesk is added, it should be as an add-on module that the admin can choose not to install. We already have a helpdesk package and we are not interested in switching.
My priority is as follows:
1. Give the admin the ability to hide software from the list since over 95% of the listed (discovered) software is of no interest to us. By default, all discovered software should not be tracked and/or listed. An admin must manually choose to track and/or list discovered software.
2. Software (including OSes) grouping, cascading would be great. For OSes, grouping should encompass grouping by OS language, 32-bit/64-bit and flavor (Pro vs Ultimate, Standard vs Enterprise) of each OS.
3. Work in a workgroup environment and in such an environment, have the ability to manually fill-in fields such as departments, location, etc.) info that might otherwise be already present in an AD environment.
4. Irrelevant of the listing that is shown, I should be able to click on any computername(link) in the report and see that computer detail information.
Great Product and Support!