The database is currently sitting at 1.4GB, so it didn't really grow much.
Something that I also have a comment on as far as the license compliance section goes.. it would be nice if you could just enter in the inventory of licenses as they relate to purchases..
- Enter that you bought x number of licenses for x product, on date m/d/y, from vendor, purchase order number, and price.
- Count up the total number of licenses for a particular product purchased, and then calculate that against the number of installed ones for compliance.
- Since you currently check for licenses missing and calculate the $$$ needed to true up, you should also calculate if there are excess licenses, how many, and how much $$$ in excess inventory it represents too.
Also, I like that software can be grouped together by version finally, but it would be nice if there were a simpler way of doing it..
For example, where the main product name is say, "Microsoft Office Standard 2007" and hold no indication of sub-version, but since there are multiple versions, the product we should be checking for compliance should be labelled "Microsoft Office Standard 2007", and the versions recognized would be added to that master item. Being able to shift-select multiple products that are really the same, but a slightly different patch level, and add them as one would probably make it easier, rather than adding one version, and then add the other versions to it as a group afterwards.