CBG-NK wrote:
Inactive users: similar to how there are reports for computers not seen in the last x-days. This is extremely helpful for maintaining a clutter-free AD.
You could build a report based on the tblCPlogoninfo database table to list users for which no recent logon events have been detected. (A logon event is added to the database when a user is logged into a computer during a computer scan.) I've posted a sample report below that lists AD users for which no logon events have been detected or whose last logon event is from more than
30 days ago. Instructions for adding reports to your Lansweeper installation can be found
Select Top 1000000 tblADusers.Username,
Max(tblCPlogoninfo.logontime) As LastLogon
From tblADusers
Left Join tblCPlogoninfo On tblCPlogoninfo.Domain = tblADusers.Userdomain And
tblCPlogoninfo.Username = tblADusers.Username
Group By tblADusers.Username,
Having (Max(tblCPlogoninfo.logontime) Is Null) Or
(Max(tblCPlogoninfo.logontime) = '') Or
(Max(tblCPlogoninfo.logontime) < GetDate() - 30)
Order By tblADusers.Userdomain,
CBG-NK wrote:
Newly created users: similar to reports for new computers found in the last x-days.
The sample report below lists AD users created in the last
7 days.
Select Top 1000000 tblADusers.Username,
From tblADusers
Where tblADusers.whenCreated > GetDate() - 7
Order By tblADusers.Userdomain,
CBG-NK wrote:
Recently deleted users.
If you mean deleted from Active Directory: this is not information we currently store in the database, but I've added the feature to the wish list. You can have users that are deleted or disabled in Active Directory removed from your Lansweeper database though, with the database cleanup options found under Configuration\Server Options.
CBG-NK wrote:
Users who are members of the "Administrators" group (local machine).
There is a built-in report in the Reports tab for this, called "Computer: Unauthorized Administrators". More information on how this report works can be found