Hello, is there a report where I can see the date that a machine updated its Windows version? For example, when it was updated from Windows 10 to Windows 11?
Hello,I want to be able to pull a report, based on specific OU, with the following information in itSite(OU) | Computer Name | Model | Serial# | OS | Last recorded user with date | Warranty Info Ultimately, I would want a report for each OU I have,...
The SQL query has a command "Try_convert" in it. This is an invalid command. Revised code below. Select Distinct Top 1000000 Coalesce(tsysOS.Image,
tsysAssetTypes.AssetTypeIcon10) As icon,
Wasn't sure the best place to put this, but I noticed that you cannot name reports with a plus sign. In my use case, I was tracking outdated installs of software (notepad++ in this case) and the + signs are dropped when I save the report.
Hi,Does anyone know how to enable the LanSweeper to scan the USB printers? I get scan reports on all the printers that are connected to the network, but I can't seem to find the ones that are connected through USB port.
I've been asked to use Lansweeper to create a monthly report showing how many B&W prints and how many color prints are being done for each copier in our business. Lansweeper shows page counts, but I don't see any way to differentiate between b&w and...
Hi together, I want to create a custom report regarding my network switches, mainly Aruba / HP.It should have the following information:- IP- Model- Serial number- Location I hope you can help me. Thanks!
For some reason this report in the cloud interface is showing each server roughly 30 times. There's not apparent difference between the rows for each server. If I click on one of the lines it shows the server in question with no Anti-Virus software l...