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Resolved! TPM support

HelloI am trying to report of hardware sitting on our network that has the TPM there a predefined report for this?

newbpc by Engaged Sweeper
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Lansweeper warnings sent to an email

Hi,I have an alert displayed on Lansweeper web console: "License Warning | Your license is limited to 5000 assets. You've reached 95%".Is there a possibility to receive this warning over an email? And when the assets count is below 95% no email warni...

MilicaM by Engaged Sweeper II
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Find assets without a certain regkey

I've created the following report that displays assets that contain the regkey 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\VDG'. How would I do the reverse and display systems that do not have that regkey?Select Top 1000000 tblAssets.AssetID, tblAssets.Username, ...

sethm by Engaged Sweeper
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Antivirus installed? Version?

Hi, we use one main antivirus product across our servers.The 2 built-in reports work to distinguish whether the software is installed or not, but what I'd like to do is have a report on the dashboard that tells me if the software is at the correct ve...

Raggy by Engaged Sweeper
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Asset Relations in a report

I'm creating a report of all assets in an Location or IP location, and I'd like to know if it's possible to have any monitors attached to any PCs in that report, could show up in the report as assets at that location.So I want the report to show any ...

AquaGoat by Engaged Sweeper III
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Ticket Text

Hello,im made this report:Select Top 1000000 htblticket.ticketid As [Ticket ID], htblticket.subject As Betreff, As Datum, As [Erstellt von], As Firma, htblticketstates.statename As Status, htblus...

Fabio by Engaged Sweeper
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