Hello, is there a report where I can see the date that a machine updated its Windows version? For example, when it was updated from Windows 10 to Windows 11?
hi there.i have an question about logon reporting. i have an report from this forum, which shows me the last logon froma user and on which host the user logged on. so far so good.my question is: if an user is logged on a computer and the computer goe...
When running the built in report Asset to User Relations, it exports the RelationUser field as the username, not the display name of a user. For example when I view an asset, under Relations it will populate the Asset / User field with the users ful...
Uses windows event log Microsoft-Windows-WER-SystemErrorReporting and code 1001Select Distinct Top 1000000 tblAssets.AssetID, tblAssets.AssetName, tblADusers.Displayname, tblAssets.OScode, tblNtlog.Eventcode, Max(tblNtlog.TimeGenerated) As LastO...
Hi Guys,I've got a report that shows all of the devices that don't have are AV on it, want I want to be able to add now is to show only the devices that have been seen this year.I know you can do it for like the last however many days using Where tbl...
This report shows you all assets that aren't assigned to the right scanning server based on IP range scanning configuration.select *From tblAssets Inner Join (Select tsysIPScanRanges.Servername As servername, Convert(numeric(18),ParseName(tsy...
Hello i found this post to help create a report along the lines of what i would like to implement, searching and reporting for Event IDs relating to a logon failure:https://www.lansweeper.com/forum/yaf_postsm49283_Invalid-login-attempts-on-Workstatio...
Is it possible to build a report that shows all scanned Linux servers with a count if nic each Linux asset has? I see that the names if the interfaces are in the database for each server. Would it be possible to count them somehow? I have a report st...