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Resolved! Computer: Remote Desktop Users

Afternoon,I'm not sure how easy this is, but I thought I would ask the question Within lansweeper there is a report called "Computer: Unauthorized Administrators". The code is listed below:Select Top 1000000 tsysOS.Image As icon, tblAssets.AssetID,...

r_gilmour by Engaged Sweeper
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Windows Server 2008/2008 R2 EOL

Since I noticed people were asking about how to get a server EOL report. I adapted the Windows 7 EOL report for servers.Servers that are nearing their EOL (EOL within 1 year) are marked orange. Assets past their EOL are marked red. All other servers ...

Esben_D by Lansweeper Employee
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Resolved! Report showing hidden USB devices

Hi.Is there a way we can extract the hidden USB devices (typically failed devices) from the scan information?We have a batch of HP EliteDesk 800 G2s that seem to have hardware faults on the USB ports, rendering the port disabled. (we've checked with ...

.Net Versions Report?

Hi folks,we have an urgent requirement to find the version(s) of .Net installed on Windows 8 machines on our network. Ultimately we need to know which Win8+ machines don't have at least .Net 4.6.2.Can someone help me with writing a report please?Than...

Last logon Report question

hi there.i have an question about logon reporting. i have an report from this forum, which shows me the last logon froma user and on which host the user logged on. so far so question is: if an user is logged on a computer and the computer goe...