Hello, is there a report where I can see the date that a machine updated its Windows version? For example, when it was updated from Windows 10 to Windows 11?
Hi,Is there a report I can create to mimic the license compliance section? I'd like to have a report emailed each month of our currently licenses but I can't seem to create something that works.ThanksGraham
Good day!I am in need of a report showing all Linux machines with their names, PS version, network adapter name, MAC Address, and IP addresses. I know there will be multiple entries as some machines have multiple network adapters.Thanks!
Hi there,I have this report that I am trying to add model information to, but when I add model in tableassetcustom I get the following error.Column 'tblAssetCustom.Model' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregat...
I am looking to create a report to show all devices with the vPro chipset. There is an older report here in the forums from 2014 titled "Asset: Vpro AMT available" but it did not show any results for me.
How to search the "last login" user on a specific date and a history of "last login" on a specific asset?I need such feature for investigation. thank you
I'd like to report on Server 2016 build number to ensure we are at the latest version.Using the OperatingSystem.Version only gives the 10.0.14393 as you get from the ver command and not the full build version as you get with WinVer command.Is it poss...
Hi,Sorry I did look to see if something like this already existed, but could not find any, possibly due to search parameters.Does this already exist or is it easy enough to create?Kind Regards,Edit:e.g.Tom 25Fred 49Harry 17John 31
I use the below, and it gets me the printers I need.Select Top 1000000 tblAssets.AssetID, tblAssets.AssetName, tsysAssetTypes.AssetTypeIcon10 As icon, tblAssets.IPAddress, tblAssetCustom.Printedpages, tblAssetCustom.Manufacturer, tblAssetCustom...